The shots. The story

Fri 16 Feb, 2024



or: the words no bride wants to hear


You've survived months of site visits and menu tastings, phone calls and video calls, emails, and WhatsApp messages, and finally, the big day has arrived!

You've checked and double-checked every little detail, and everything is perfect.

Except for one element, the only one you couldn't control 100%: the rain.

My couples know it, there are topics I don't talk about to avoid calling bad luck, and one of these is precisely the weather, a theme that discourages even the most optimistic bride unless she belongs to the category of happy brides: those brides who have no intention of letting anything or anyone ruin their wedding day, nothing can dent their good mood and their desire to celebrate, let alone a thunderstorm.

For all others, the keyword is only one: organization!

Let's see what are all the essential components for a Plan B with almost no compromises.



which is also the most important


Rely on professionals with years of experience in the wedding industry. I know, it may seem like a trivial thing to say, but the worst disasters I've witnessed in emergency situations happened when someone hadn't done their homework properly.

Why is this crucial? Because no vendor knows what might happen when it rains during a wedding until they experience it firsthand.



and what if it rains?


Most of the venues where I've worked, both in Italy and abroad, have the option to organize the famous Plan B: some, like villas, castles, or private residences, have sufficiently large and picturesque spaces indoors, and therefore are able to transport tables and setups from one space to another, in a reasonable amount of time and respecting the style of the venue.

Others, in the event of meeting the needs of those couples who don't want to dine in an enclosed space, have the option to rent marquees or removable tents (connected with the kitchen department), capable of accommodating the bride and groom and their guests and thus allowing the reception to take place outdoors. Keep in mind that this second type of Plan B may involve an additional investment for the rental of the structure by the couple.



in case of doubt, waterproof makeup!


I hope the couples won't mind, but it's necessary to open a parenthesis on the topic of the bride's look, as often brides wear long dresses, with a train and veil, high-heeled shoes, in short, an outfit not designed for a wedding in the rain.

• My tips for a perfect Plan B:


- a second pair of closed-toe shoes, with a manageable heel to avoid sinking into the grass or risking slipping, or like happy brides do, wedding boots, i.e., bridal boots, perfect also for the photoshoot!
- Friends, bridesmaids, or witnesses who can help lift and support the veil and train, and of course, someone with an umbrella to protect the bride while she moves around.
- WATERPROOF MAKEUP, did I mention it already? Even though Makeup Artists tend to always have at least raindrop and tear-proof mascara.


do we have umbrellas?


Always think about the comfort of your guests. Umbrellas, boots, or raincoats, anything that can make your guests feel comfortable is welcome: the more comfortable they are even on a meteorologically gray day, the more serene and happy they'll be to be there and share your special day.



you will be beautiful anyway


Dealing with candid wedding reportage, over the years I have learned to organize myself for almost every eventuality or emergency. The first issue a photographer may encounter with the rain is that water could compromise the functionality of the camera. But after solving the first wedding in the rain with my assistant acting as a human umbrella, I have organized myself to protect my equipment and make it perform even during a downpour (it's amazing what you can find on Amazon under rain covers for photos and videos!). With a mind free from worries, I can work at my best and creatively exploit the elements, especially the rain. Because rain is a powerful narrative element that disrupts plans and thus generates reactions from all the protagonists of the story.


When it rains, things happen, the atmosphere transforms, and it's even more electric because no one knows exactly what will happen. And it is precisely in unpredictable situations that wedding reportage photography excels: because everyone is thinking about the rain and no one is thinking about me and what I'm doing... spontaneity guaranteed 100%!


As for couple portrait photography (obviously for those who have chosen to have this service), the possibilities are varied, the important thing is to be guided by good mood and creativity, hoping to have a bit of luck, and maybe even see a rainbow! Sometimes just waiting for a break to find the right light, while a sunbeam breaks through the clouds; or the most organized brides include useful but also pleasant objects like a white umbrella or wedding boots, to have a nice and decidedly original service!


Finally, as you all may have noticed, predicting the weather accurately has become practically impossible in recent years, even in those months when the season was usually favorable. This uncertainty has led couples to choose months when weddings were not typically held before and to avoid others due to excessively high temperatures. It seems that October has effectively become the new September, and I personally love it. I love it because the autumn light is similar to the summer sunset, it's soft and romantic, and then in October, everyone sweats less!

what to look for in a wedding photographer | Laura Stramacchia | Wedding Photography

How to find wedding photographer

what to look for in a wedding photographer

WHEN LESS IS MORE | Laura Stramacchia | Wedding Photography



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