Laura Stramacchia | Wedding Photography

Who's behind the camera?

Here I am! I'm Laura, and I've spent the last 10 years documenting the world around me through photography. I'm one of those people who is enchanted by observing the environment in which she finds herself, always trying to see the best side: that beauty that you just have to regret to see, surrounded as we are by perfect photographs, so perfect that they seem fake. I like to learn, I'm a curious soul and I always try to push myself beyond appearances, towards the essence of things.

Every photographer has his why...

At school I always liked history. Kings and queens, popes and presidents, anecdotes and family sagas...all things that I could collect for hours. Memory is the only legacy that matters because memories are the substance of which we are made. Creating memory, that's my why. I photograph because nothing lasts forever except photography.

Laura Stramacchia | Wedding Photography

MY PHILOSOPHY aka if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, it doesn't make a sound.

Sometimes when I say I'm a photographer, people call me an artist, but I don't really see myself as one. An artist is someone who transforms an idea into something visible, whereas I don't create anything out of nothing, everything I photograph exists without me, and that's how it appears before my eyes. All I do is make it real and seal it in time by filtering it through my point of view.

If I really have to define myself, I think creative is the right word. I constantly feed my vision by traveling, reading and trying to surround myself with things that train my sense of beauty, because I firmly believe that the more, we immerse ourselves in beauty, the more we are driven to seek it out and create it, to give it to ourselves and those around us.

In this process, the dialogue with my subject is indispensable, whether it is a landscape, a couple in love or a bouquet of flowers. My work is the product of that dialogue, of that exchange, and the more free-flowing the communication is, the more the images realize the beauty of the subject and the environment that surrounds it.

Your investment: "why do I need a professional photographer on my wedding day?"

Where will you be a year after your wedding?
Ten years later? Fifty?

Once you've digested the cake, wilted the bouquet and mothballed the dress, your wedding photographs will be the only tangible reminders of the moments you experienced and the promises you made on your wedding day. What will happen during your wedding is not obvious and ordinary, it should be remembered (and photographed) because what happens on that day is unrepeatable and unique. But above all, the wedding is a unique opportunity to party with the people you love most in the world!

Choosing a professional photographer for your wedding is easy, just answer this question: would you let a mechanic take care of your tooth? Of course not. Memories are precious: you have to treat them with care and package them properly. Maybe a beautiful photograph happens to everyone, but to make them come out beautiful to thousands takes craft (and skill).

Laura Stramacchia | Wedding Photography

Once upon a time...

This is how all stories begin. But how do you tell the beginning of a story to those who are part of it but weren't there when it all began? I still keep my grandparents' wedding invitation as if it were a precious relic (and for me, it is). That yellowed piece of paper represents the beginning of my family's history, that "world before" in which I was only a vague idea, a deep and sincere desire but still unfulfilled.

We were born from the union of people who generated others, who then generated us: we are simply the product of the love of those who came before. This is demonstrated by the affection and nostalgia with which we take back our photographs, snapshots that remind us of where we came from and that accompany us along our journey.

The only legacy that really makes sense to pass on.

My approach

Many photographers call themselves storytellers. To be honest, I think I belong more to the category of those who want to see stories as in the cinema.

When I started as a wedding photographer, almost 10 years ago, I had the feeling of having to shoot all the time, I was terrified of losing even one second of the day, I was rushing like crazy from one side to the other, running with tons of equipment on me trying to be invisible, looking for that fleeting moment that would make the wedding I was shooting the most beautiful and unique ever... Mission impossible.

Finally, one day, finding myself in oxygen debt, I stopped and started listening. My heartbeat decelerated, my neurons started working again and I asked myself what really interested me in my profession as a photographer. So, I forced myself to shoot with less frenzy, to concentrate better on gestures, small phrases, glances, the reason for a certain outfit, a certain place.

I tried to stop looking and start seeing.

Every couple teaches me something, leaves a mark inside me, makes me feel good about what I am doing with them and for them, because photographing a unique day like a wedding is a job you cannot do alone. Every special day is different, unrepeatable, and now I'll explain why my couples' day will certainly not be made up of forced smiles, back cramps and hours of posed photographs.

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